Let's take a breath with Harper and do some release alternate nostril breathing

Welcome to our 6 Day Strip DETOX program. Here is a glimpse into Day 3! And if your following our Program then you should be feeling more energized, lighter, and probably a bit sore!
Therefore on this day let's catch our breath with Harper and do some release alternate nostril breathing.
You’re doing awesome, we highly encourage mindfulness and mediation daily, We’re so glad you’re following this program.
Again, you know the drill by now...follow the meal guidance on pages 18-40 and then jump to page 49 for your AB & BODY BLAST, and let us know of any questions!
You can find the 6 day program here. Now includes our Raw Soup Recipes and Juice Recipes we have shared for over decade at our sister Raw food and Juice Company - so easy to follow.
One Body One Life Team