Wow my Skin looks and feels incredible !
We have had so much positive feedback from our customers doing the 6 Day Strip Program over the last few weeks and when they have completed it, one benefit that comes as a surprise to many cleansers besides less bloat and more energy is the significant improvement in the appearance of their SKIN. They see improvements in terms of fewer blemishes, but it is deeper (no pun... -
Brooke Burke, 47, Reveals What She Eats & How She Works Out To Look Half Her Age
I drink water all the time, I have water in my car, water by my bed, water bottle in my purse, always. I just think that we need it. I drink a scoop of Fat Burning Lemonade every morning when I work out. I put it in my water bottle. And I work out smarter and harder than ever before in less amount of time.”...