NY Post Our Book, “One Body, One Life: 6 Weeks to the New You”

When it’s time for Demi Moore to pull off an one-armed push-up on the set of “G.I. Jane,” there is only one man she can turn to to pull off the body-wrenching move – Gregory Joujon-Roche.
The fitness guru is Hollywood’s body-building baron.
In his new book, “One Body, One Life: 6 Weeks to the New You” (Dutton Youth), he breaks down his fitness philosophy into the phrase: “Vanity is sanity.”
“The current trend is for fitness gurus to tell people that there’s only one correct motivating factor of fitness: health,” he says. “What about looking sexy? That motivation might be too shallow for some people, but for most of us, it’s a reasonable and laudable goal … It’s human nature.”
The man behind Brad Pitt’s “Troy” bod, Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man and the cut figures of Leonardo DiCaprio and singers Pink and Gwen Stefani is dispensing how he got them their hot bodies.
The first step, he says is determination – look at Demi Moore, he says, as an example. He transformed her from “Striptease” showgirl to “G.I. Jane” and broke down the mechanics of that famous one-handed push-up for the star.
“I get down on the floor with her. I’m sweating, too – just from empathy,” he writes. “It’s all about distributing your power. It’s a support-system move, even more than a power move,” he tells her.
“She gets into position. Painfully lowers her nose to the floor. Fights to rise back up. Her tricep is twitching. She’s hit the Breakthrough Moment . . . She’s up! She grins at me. ‘That was good,’ she says, wiping her face with a snow-white towel.”
With determination, the right diet and a rotating exercise plan all detailed in his book and Web site (www.onebodyonelife.com) debuting next week – you can have a killer bod in matter of six weeks.
“Superstars like Brad Pitt,” he writes, “they have only a short time to transform themselves for roles. They say, ‘I have this challenge. I’ve got to get really big. What do you think?’ ”
Skinny vegetarian Maguire, who had to pump up for Spider-Man, “had to pack on muscle, and learn martial arts, yoga and gymnastics. Because he’s a vegetarian, hitting his protein requirements was very tough.”
Joujon-Roche’s “Vanity is sanity” philosophy is just one of several fueling the guru’s drive to bust the “six big fitness myths” – that fitness doesn’t come from suffering, repetitive exercises, lifting oversized weights, being hungry, being dissatisfied with how you look and putting your appearance first.
It does.
The good news? A half-hour a day is enough, he advises.
Want to eat right? Stick with foods low in calories and high in nutrients; ditch sugar, sweets, refined grains, fast food, high-fat meats, fried food and processed foods from grocery stores, he says.
“You can eat low-calorie foods until you’re completely satisfied and still lose weight,” he says. “You can only eat high-calorie foods in very small amounts.”
There is one reliable way to drop weight fast, he concedes – and do it without “rebound.”
One of Joujon-Roche’s tricks is losing “false fat.”
“False fat is the 5 to 10 extra pounds of water weight, generally accompanied by abdominal bloating from gas, that comes from eating food that cause food reactions,” he writes.
“False fat isn’t really fat, or adipose tissue, but it looks like fat, feels like fat, and can last forever if you don’t do something about it.”
The most common reactive foods, he says, are wheat, dairy products, eggs, corn, soy, peanuts, shellfish, chocolate, gluten, citrus fruits, MSG and aspartame.
He advises to restrict all the “suspicious” reactive foods in the diet – the ones a person craves, and eats most often – and then add them back one at a time to look for symptoms, like indigestion or water weight gain.
“When you eliminate all your reactive foods, you’ll probably lose several pounds of water weights, or edema, almost instantly,” he says.
The craving will go away as well, he says.
How to eat like a star
In his new book, the trainer to Demi and Brad says:
* Start each meal with a mouthful of protein
* Have an apple a day
* Never drink soda
* Carbs are good. At least the good ones are
* Do count calories (You can eat your weight times about 13.)
* Take supplements – even celebs need them
* Eat five vegetables a day
* Get clean by drinking half your body weight in water (in ounces) every day and “cleansing” (see below)
* Never be hungry – it makes you want to eat
* Don’t cry over croissants or cookies. You can’t have any
Sample Menu (1,650 calories)
Egg scramble with herbs and a side of spinach
Morning snack: Fresh fruit topped with yogurt and sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Grilled chicken breast with Greek salad
Midday snack: Three non-yeast wheat-free crackers and avacado
Steamed or baked snapper with cauliflower, broccoli and shredded
low-fat cheese
Evening snack: Six almonds
Source: One Body, One Life: 6 Weeks to the New You by Gregory Joujon-Roche and Cameron Stauth; Dutton, 2006.
Pop star Pink does it on tour! You should do it one day to start, according to Pink’s trainer Gregory Joujon-Roche, then for a whole weekend.
Start by mixing these two drinks in the morning.
MORNING: Drink Liver Flush then 8 ounces of Master Cleanser. Take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C and 100 mg of magnesium. (No need to add 1000mg Vitamin C if you are adding Fat Burning Lemonade supplement powder)
MID-MORNING SNACK: Five to 10 raw almonds and half an apple or pear
½ HOUR BEFORE LUNCH: Drink 8 oz. fresh juice from a juicer – 80 percent vegetable juice, 20 percent fruit.
LUNCH: A big salad of vegetables, dark greens-no red peppers or tomatoes-and 4 oz. fish or chicken. Dress with lemon juice and olive oil.
SNACK: Five to 10 raw almonds with either half an apple or pear or one cup of sliced carrots or cucumbers or celery.
½ HOUR BEFORE DINNER: Drink 8 more oz. of vegetable/fruit juice (same as above). Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 100 mg of magnesium. If you normally take a multivitamin, take it now.
DINNER: Same salad as lunch. If you’re still hungry, prepare another fresh juice and have five to 10 more almonds.
Juice of 1 lemon
32 ounces of spring water
1-2 scoops of Fat Burning Lemonade
1 ½ tablespoon maple syrup and honey
1 pinch ground clove
Blend for 30 seconds. Strain if desired.
1 peeled lemon
1 peeled orange
1 ounce olive oil
3 sprigs parsley (or cilantro)
1 1″ piece of fresh ginger root
1 pinch of ginger, cayenne, pepper and ground clove
Blend lemon, orange, parsley, ginger with one cup of water. Strain the pulp, return liquid to blender, add remaining ingredients. Blend again. You may add a teaspoon of bee pollen.
THE celeb body WORKOUT
Start with a 15 minute warm-up to get your heart pumping, then a 30 minute workout and a 15 minute cool-down. The Phase One (Weeks 1 and 2) workout, summarized below, kicks up in Phases 2 and 3
Monday is strength training: Push-ups, bicep curls, crunches, wall squats, chest flys and presses
Tuesday is yoga: Eleven poses of bending and stretching
Wednesday is Pilates: plie squats, sit-ups from lying down, “hundreds” crunches, crunch leg extensions, single and straight-leg extensions
Thursday is martial arts: boxing/jabbing with weights; kicks and “Thai knee-abs” Friday is core interval training: kicks, squats, push-ups with burst of cardio
in between
Demi Moore’s trainer’s push-up
Try for 15 reps-or until you experience muscle fatigue
Tips: Focus on the supporting leg. Keep abs engaged. Keep weight evenly balanced. Try not to shift your weight to supporting leg. Don’t overextend leg or bend knee as you extend. Don’t arch your lower back.
1. Start with legs hip-width apart.
2. As you push up, extend one leg toward the ceiling, keeping the leg straight. Bring it back down.
3. Extend the other leg as you push up again.
Get our behind the scenes Supplement Program also featured in our Book “One Body One Life”
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