The Lime Ricki recipe

We got you covered this Labor Day Holiday weekend, Our Lime Rickey recipe is so much more than a carbonated limeade. We are taking the care to use fresh limes and muddling them with agave and mint to create something much healthier and fresher than your average bottled lime juice or corn-syrup sweetened limeade.
The benefits of the lime is very much like our love for lemon, high in Vitamin C, and is often touted for its infection- and cold-fighting properties, as well as skin benefits.
The Lime Ricki delights the palate even without the addition of alcohol. There’s a reason the non-alcoholic Lime Rickey became really popular during Prohibition!
So lets do it,, in a cocktail shaker or a glass combine the base ingredients of a fresh quartered lime and a little agave syrup. Start by crushing or “muddling” the ingredients in the bottom of your shaker to release their essential oils and up the fragrance of your beverage.and mix well, then stir in soda water. Top the glass with a lime wedge. We also like to add a scoop of our Fat Burning Lemonade
Note : If you’re adding fresh mint, make sure not to over-muddle the mint. this requires a light hand – just enough to bruise the leaves and bring the oils to the surface.
A health tip, try snacking on the blueberries instead of the chips over this long weekend . Blueberries help combat inflammation with their high antioxidant levels. According to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) berries are one of the staples of the Nordic diet, which lowered the activity levels of inflammatory genes found in fat tissue,